
Is my startup investible now?

If you try to raise money before you can convince investors, you’ll not only waste your time, but also burn your reputation with those investors. — Paul Graham, How to raise money Summary of post- Startups need to have a spike in Idea+Team OR product OR Traction OR an aggregate spike combining all of the three to […]


Eight lessons I learnt from my startup

Was going through some old documents and came across a note I had written to myself when I was just shutting down my startup a year back. Usually when the ink dries, you find it was colored with emotions of the time. However find these points to be as relevant as ever for me. For […]


Delivering Happiness — An evangelist of customer delight has died

Woke up to a rude morning shock of passing away of Tony Hsieh, the ex-founder of Zappos who sold his company to Amazon for a billion dollars. This is particularly personal for me because Tony and Zappos where inspirations when working in the customer experience department of Myntra His book “Delivering happiness” is required reading […]


Thank you for applying to YCombinator

Thank you for applying to Y Combinator. Your application looks promising and we’d like to meet you in person…See you in California! Twice a year, thousands of entrepreneurs are glued to their email in anticipation of these magic words. Our team was fortunate to receive them, not once but twice, over last year. YC deadline […]


Vedak YCombinator S17 Application

This is Vedak’s application which led to the final interview invite Gig platform for industry experts Vedak will build the most reliable platform to hire industry experts for short assignments. Currently industries have difficulty finding right experts at right prices to solve specific problems. E.g. Setting up of a dairy plant requires specialised skills for […]


Vedak YCombinator W18 application

This is the application which got us to the final round the second time in the same year Gig platform for industry experts We are building a (1) One stop shop for hiring industry experts for consultatons with (2) service levels of high cost expert networks like GLG at much lower prices made possible by […]


8 talent startup ideas which are not killing it in India but should!

In my previous avtaar as an entrepreneur in the talent space, I often used to think of adjacent ideas which should be breaking banks and VC funds in India. TechCrunch, HackerNews and startup blogs become regular reading so I came across some really good ideas. I used to shelve them since I was working on […]